variable to access the game in python, This is literarily the game variable in roblox.
ValidPlayers = [
def onTouch(touch):
print("Spawn has been touched by", touch.Name)
def onPlrAdd(plr):
if plr.Name in ValidPlayers:
# The player is in our admin list, print admin joined
print("Admin", plr.Name, "has joined the game!!")
The above code will do the following:
When a part in workspace called "Spawn" is touched print the touching parts name in the output
When a player joins and their name is in the ValidPlayers list that means they are a admin and output that
Compiled code:
This code generated may be outdated, code generated with newer versions of roblox-pyc should deliver better results
--// Compiled using roblox-pyc \--
------------------------------------ BUILT IN -------------------------------
local py, libs, builtin = unpack(require(game.ReplicatedStorage["roblox.pyc"])(script).py)
local stringmeta = builtin.stringmeta
local list = builtin.list
local str = builtin.str
local id =
local int =
local operator_in = builtin.operator_in
local min = builtin.min
local ValidPlayers = list {stringmeta "builderman"}
local function onTouch(touch)
print(stringmeta "Spawn has been touched by", touch.Name)
onTouch = py.Workspace.Spawn.Touched(onTouch)
local function onPlrAdd(plr)
if (operator_in(plr.Name, ValidPlayers)) then
print(stringmeta "Admin", plr.Name, stringmeta "has joined the game!!")
onPlrAdd = py.Players.PlayerAdded(onPlrAdd)
stringmeta, list, dict are all functions used to add the Python API to lua objects.
Embedding lua
Sometimes you need to do something in Lua, inside of a python script! But how?
print("Python code")
for i in range(1,10):
print("Python loop", i)
Thats python code, now let's add some lua code
print("Python code")
for i in range(10):
print("Python loop", i)
-- As seen above this is not a multiline comment because of the [[lua]]
for i = 1, 10 do
-- We can still use python functions in lua this time without a problem
for i, v in range(10) do
This is the same script but I split it to 3 different code blocks for syntax highlighting